6 Jul 2015

The Top 5 Apps for Learning Languages!


I love learning languages and it's great to discover new apps which aid revision. I did French and German at A Level and I used various apps to revise, so I'm going to share the best ones.

1. Memrise!
This app is amazing! I love Memrise because it makes learning a language so fun and manageable. There is an option to attach a photo to the words which makes them easier to memorise. There is also a leader board which is good motivation to work harder.

2. Quizlet!
Quizlet is also a great revision tool. We created a group for our class on this website so that our teacher could upload vocab after a lesson and then we would learn it and be tested on it. I love Quizlet because there are games such as Space Race and Scatter. However, Space Race is not compatible with the app! These games also have a leader board so we were competing against each other all the time, and therefore revising more.

3. Duolingo!
This app is good because it focuses on all aspects of the language. Duolingo can be used to improve writing, speaking, listening and reading skills which makes it a great all-rounder.

4. Newshound!
This app is from Linguascope and gives a list of news articles in different languages. This app shares news from across the world and also improves reading comprehension.

5. French and German Radio Stations!
These apps are great for improving listening skills. I find that listening is the trickiest skill to learn in languages, so these apps were a great help for me. These apps make the spoken language more familiar and easier to understand. It's also a lot of fun to listen to the music!

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